Quick Facts

 Area served

Area Niagara Region
Municipalities Fort Erie, Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Pelham, Port Colborne, St. Catharines, Thorold, Wainfleet & Welland
Size of Region 1,868 sq km
Population 427,421

Annual Budget 2024-2025

Total Expenditures


School Facilities

Number of elementary schools 48
Number of secondary schools 8
Alternative Education
Continuing Education  6


Student Enrolment

Elementary (ADE) - 2024-2025 estimate 15,617
Secondary (ADE) 2024-2025 estimate 6,746

School Staff

Classroom teachers 1,314
Paraprofessionals, technicians, consultants & coordinators 130
Support staff – (EA’s, ECE’s, Library Technicians, guidance & secretaries) 779
Principals & Vice-Principals 81

Administrative Staff

Director & Superintendents 8
Controller of Facilities Services 1
Executive Officer of Human Resources 1


Elected Trustees
 Student Trustees 2