Policies, Administrative Operational Procedures, Protocols, and Bylaws

 Niagara Catholic is governed by policies approved by the Board of Trustees. These policies are reviewed or vetted on a five-year cycle to ensure they meet legislative requirements and the needs of our system. The Board may also review a policy sooner, if necessary.

We invite all stakeholders to take part in the vetting process by providing feedback.

Stakeholders include:

  • Parents and guardians
  • Students
  • Staff
  • CUPE (the union representing jobs such as custodians and caretakers, educational assistants, early childhood educators, librarians, secretaries, and other support staff)
  • OECTA (the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association, which represents teachers)
  • The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
  • The Niagara Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (NCPIC)
  • The Diocese of St. Catharines


To be considered as part of the vetting process all feedback must include:

  • The stakeholder’s name
  • The stakeholder’s address and phone number
  • The stakeholder’s connection to Niagara Catholic

When vetting closes, the Director and Senior Staff review all feedback. They provide a summary of comments and suggested changes to the Committee of the Whole for consideration and recommendation. Once approved by the Committee of the Whole, the policy is forwarded to the Board for final approval.

The following Governance Polices are currently being reviewed as part of the Establishment and Cyclical Review of Policies Policy (100.5) review process. 

Please submit your feedback to Anna Pisano 

Niagara Catholic also has Administrative Operational Procedures (AOPs). Some AOPs are part of a governance policy. Others stand alone. Like policies, AOPs set the course for the Board. They do not have the same requirements for vetting as policies. A list of AOPs is below.

There are also other protocols and procedures which guide the board. They are available in the Protocols and Procedures box below.

There are currently no policies being vetted by Niagara Catholic. The 2025-2026 School year calendar is being vetted until 1 p.m. on Monday, February 1, 2025. Please submit your feedback to Brianna Dzelihodzic, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent of Education Domenic Massi, by the deadline.