
The Niagara Catholic District School Board provides meetings and agendas for our Audit Committee meetings, Board and Committee of the Whole meetings, Niagara Catholic Parent Involvement Committee meetings, Special Education Advisory Committee Meetings, and, when ordered by our local Compliance Audit Review Committee, Compliance Audit Committee meetings.

Meetings are held on the following schedule:

Audit Committee: Three times a year
Committee of the Whole: Second Tuesday of the month during the school year
Board Meeting: Fourth Tuesday of the month during the school year (unless moved to third Tuesday to accommodate Christmas Break, March Break, Holy Week, and/or graduations)
NCPIC: First Thursday of the month, every other month, beginning in September
SEAC: First Wednesday of the month, every month during the school year
Compliance Audit Review Committee: As ordered

Agendas are made public after the Board of Trustees/committee members receive them. Minutes are published after they have been approved by the Board/committee, usually at the following meeting.

Niagara Catholic publishes the minutes and agendas for the current school year and the year prior. Agendas and meetings for years before that are archived and may be viewed on request.

Niagara Catholic provides livestreams of meetings to ensure anyone who wishes to watch a meeting may do so. Livestreams are posted the day following the meeting and remain up until the next meeting. All livestreams are retained for one school year.

Please click the boxes below to access meetings agendas, minutes, and livestreams.